Sunland - Home School Program
13216 Leach St., Sylmar, CA 91342
1-800-525-4419 / 818-523-6791 / fax: 818-362-1489
National / Accredited
an Application
Home schooling faces various legal concerns throughout the United States and in foreign countries. However, many states have come to embrace homeschooling and have provided means for families to educate their children without legal concerns. In California, as an example, as a result of the California Court of Appeals case in 2008 (which Sunland was granted special status), there have been less legal concerns.
Becoming a member of a home school legal defense group can provide a family with confidence if an issue arises they would receive assistance in dealing with the matter. However, if one is home schooling through a legal means in their state and adher to some of the following ideas, they usually do not face any concerns.
Families should agree to (1) exercise diligence in responsibly teaching their children, (2) using a defined program of education, whether formal or informal, (3) keeping minimal records: course of study, faculty information and attendance record, (4) along with other membership responsibilities.
If a family enrolls their children in a home school program, the school administrators should agree to (1) provide general supervision of the home school process, (2) assess and evaluate each student, (3) provide necessary resources for the families under their care.
Concerns may rise in relationship to home schooling on many fronts: the legality of home schooling, the accurate accounting of educational credits, or the physical, emotional or social welfare of the children. Make sure you have resources available which provides assistance in helping you ISPs properly deal with these concerns. For more information, or if you have questions, feel free to contact Sunland's office for advice or assistance.