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     Sunland exists as a pro-family organization. We recognize the need for public schools, which will endeavor to educate the masses for time until eternity. We recognize the right of parents to direct their children’s education and meet their individual needs, without government interference.

     Some homeschoolers have anti-government and anti-public school attitudes. Sunland is altruistic and does not support those attitudes. While Sunland acknowledges there are problems in public schools, working to find solutions does not mean abandoning or condemning them as a whole. Public schools are made up of caring, concerned, educated persons who commit themselves to a sometimes thankless and difficult job. The general public has a moral obligation and an invested interest in the improvement of the public school system. As a society, we will be raising and educating the majority of tomorrow’s adults. Many parents and students find success with public education.

     However, many parents, who have tried to make the public (and private) school system work for their family, find their children need a different setting for education. Many are willing to made sacrifices to educate their children at home. Even a gifted teacher has a challenge in successfully nurture 20 or more students under their care. Research supports the theory that a non-credentialed, caring parent can teach and nurture their child as effectively (Dr. Raymond Moore) as a credentialed teacher. Research discovered the average homeschool student scores one to two grade levels above their public and private school peers (US Dept of Education).

     While there are too many points to discuss in a single presentation, to support the value and success of homeschooling, this section is to verbalize our concern and supportive opinion of public education. Sunland enrolls many public school students, in a concurrent manner, to assist them with credit recovery, which may not fit into their schedules. We receive many students from public schools and work with them, with some of them returning to public education. We believe in having a professional, working relationship with both public and private schools for the purpose of assisting students in completing their secondary and post-secondary education. Our mission is to work with the educational community, families and their children, in cooperatively helping raise quality adults for the future.

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