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     The question of socialization is by far the most popular, and the most misunderstood, question asked about home schooling. If socialization means "learning how to get along with others," a group setting with one's peers is not always the best environment. In an overcrowded and under-supervised group, children can learn to be cruel, bully, push and shove, and be exposed to dysfunctional socialization (cursing, promiscuity, violence).  These issues often hinder proper social development.


      Research tells us (Dr. Raymond Moore, Dr. Stanley Walters, etc.) the best setting for a student to learn good social skills is a small group with a variety of age ranges, as in an extended family setting. Important aspects of true socialization are learned by communicating with those who are older and becoming sensitive to and patient with those who are younger. Just hanging out with friends the same age doesn't guarantee the development of good social skills.


     Proper  parenting can be the best facilitation for children's social development. Children even do better when parents are actively involved in any public or private school setting.


   Many families home school to provide their children with a solid opportunity to develop family values, good manners and positive social skills to help deal with the harsh realities of the world around them.


   While home schooling could be perceived as an environment of over-protecting and coddling, many children today in traditional school settings are ill-equipped when left to fend for themselves.


   Sunland Christian School (SCS) offers many opportunities for socialization, such as field trips, Friday School, junior/senior high activities, oral reports, science fairs and much more.

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