By Terry Neven
If you are asking this question, then you have come to understand that your child’s needs are not being met in their current schooling setting.
First, it is important to check your motivation and think things through; just jumping into homeschooling may add to your frustration. While you are motivated to look into home school, make sure your child’s best interest, for their educational, spiritual, emotional and social wellbeing, is your driving force.
Talking with other homeschoolers or a seasoned homeschool advocate, can be a good way to begin. Once you are comfortable with why you are going to home school, then you step into the world of figuring out how to accomplish this task in a meaningful way.
Your understanding of what your child need’s are for learning and what motivates them to learn, will change and grow as you progress forward. Don’t expect to have, or know, all the answers before you start. Give yourself the first year as a pilot program of discovery, trying different strategies, meet others for support and decide what works for you and your family.
Sometimes it is best to start simple, then add and adjust as you go along. You might go rogue (doing it all yourself) or enroll your child in a home school program which meets your needs. Not all programs are alike, or have the type of support that best fits your needs.
Here are some things to think through for succeeding;
1. Where will I go for support? (a home school program,
a support group, a close church friend, or all of these)
2. What curriculum should you use? (textbooks, workbooks, online courses, a “Smorgasbord approach”)
2. How do I keep records? (rigid to simple) Record keeping can
be important for your student’s future (college, military, university, or a
return to a school setting). Some programs have a record keeping
process which is simple to follow.
4. What will be the school schedule and activities? (Sample schedule).
Having a schedule does not require following it militantly. Flexibility is
helpful. Activities can be done through a home school program, support
group or by creating your own local or county activities just for your
family or friends (This may depend or your location; a country area, sprawling suburb or a large city).
5. Finally, give yourself space to make mistakes! You won’t ruin your
children during your learning curve. Mistakes can be a part of the learning process for you and your children. Communicate is essential! In most cases, children may still learn more during this process, then they might in a public or private school setting. Don’t be afraid to try things, make adjustments and admit that something isn’t working as you hoped.
If you would like to talk with someone about homeschooling and ask all your questions, you can call 1-800-525-4419, email us your questions, or set up a FREE Zoom meeting, just to talk, no obligation!
Sunland – The Home School Program
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